4/2 Mg_Burto Winamp TAKE OVER
4/2 new layout
3/26 new kreay merch drop
3/19 new sticker drop
1/16 adding more in about me section
Welcome to Smile.Rip. I made this site in protest of feeling bullied by the internet and social media. As, we all know the censorship and the data privacy crap sucks. I feel like I am being force fed ads all day. I have no personalization of my space online and on top of that all it's in the midst of a huge goverment money man string pulling rah rah rah. ANYWAYS! There was and STILL IS a place for you online. And Yes, there is some work invovled but, I am here to do my best to try and get you moving on having you own space online to say and do and post whatever you want.

First Step: Start!
I use neocities as my host. It's FREE and the community on here rocks. So, make an account on neocities.
Second Step: Get your code going..
This type of coding will start to feel familair if you had myspace/tumblr but, if you are not they're some links to pages that can help you.
This layout maker is pretty staright forward and will give you all you need to start messing around. Since, making this site ChatGPT has become a huge help in coding. You can ask it any coding questions and it will generate any type of code for any idea you have. Make sure your utilizing it!
CSS Layout Generator
HTML Layout Generator
Third Step: Customize!
neocities free website hosting 
photopea free broswer photoshop
more myspace stuff fun old grpahics 
myspace graphics old backgrounds 
gif maker youtube gif maker 
ezgifmaker edit gifs 
flaming text graphics maker